Griya seroja Rempoa. hunian mewah harga kompetitif dekat MRT Lebak Bulus

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AMANTA 2 Pondok Cabe | cluster rumah cantik 2 lantai tanah luas harga murah

Amanta 2 Cinangka Pondok Cabe

Cluster rumah mewah dan cantik dengan scandinavia minimalist

Amanta 2 Lokasi

Amanta 2 adalah rumah cluster dijual di area Pondok Cabe – cinangka. Hanya berjarak 5 menit dari lapangan golf Pondok Cabe

lokasi,  based on google map :

lap golf pd cabe : 2km (8 mnt)
south city (ceu umi,solaria,diy,etc):
2,9km (12mnt)

pamulang :
limo: 7,7km (26mnt)
brigif: 6,9km (23 mnt)

lebak bulus : 9,9km (26mnt)
fatmawati : 11km (27mnt)

Royal TJ ( south city – kuningan/senayan):
2,9km (12 mnt)

Halte Ciputat (Ciputat -csw/tosari/pasar rebo):
6,4km (19 mnt)


Amanta 2 tipe unit

Secara tipe unit Amanta 2 hanya memiliki satu tipe bangunan yaitu luas 70m2 , namun dengan pilihan luas tanah yang terbilang besar, dibandingkan umumnya rumah dengan kisaran harga dibawah 1,5 milyar , yaitu pilihan luas tanah antara 102m2 hingga 112m2.

Unit rumah di Amanta 2 adalah inden, dengan masa pembangunan kurang lebih 8 bulan, tentunya layout rumah dapat dikustomisasi sesuai selera dan kebutuhan. Apalagi masih memiliki lahan luas dibelakang. Mau tambah kamar, dapur , pavilion, bahkan kolam renang.


Amanta 2 harga dan cara bayar

Amanta 2 dipasarkan dengan harga yang kompetitif, yaitu mulai hanya 1,2 – 1,4 milyar-an. Harga sudah termasuk BPHTB . Belum termasuk Promo

Pilihan Cara bayar adalah Cash , KPR. Dp mulai 0% dengam booking fee sebesar Rp.10 juta


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VERDE 2 , Kuningan , South Jakarta

Verde Two at Kuningan , South Jakarta

Verde 2, The first and  the Only Hi-end Luxury Apartment in Indonesia that well being & health, become part of features. Unit  integrated with Air Purifier and De-humifier (Monteverde tower)

verde kuningan

Verde 2 Concepts

Where Luxury Living Meets Lifestyle.
VERDE TWO is the only luxury residence in Indonesia that caters to your unique and modern city lifestyle in this quick tempo and fast changing city. The gamut of sophisticated and stylishly decked out amenities are specially curated for you and your family, for business and even extend into a lifestyle entertainment haven for your friends and business partners.
Spreading over 60% of the land area, VERDE TWO boasts of a range of amenities such as :
  • a comprehensive state-of-the-art Health Club & Treatment Room,
  • a professional Business Center and Meeting Room,
  • an audio visual sensurround Theater Room,
  • an opulent Grand Ballroom,
  • Gentlemen’s Parlor and Sky Lounge at 39 that takes you to lifestyles reminiscent of the top cities of the world



VERDE TWO merupakan Luxury Apartment yang Terdiri atas dua tower yaitu TerraVerde ( East tower) dan MonteVerde (West tower).

  • Terraverde tower dengan total 180 unit. .
  • Monteverde Tower dengan total 124 unit.

Monteverde Tower Unique & Competitive Advantage. First In Indonesia ! unit that integrated with air purifier and air dehumifier system. To guarantee your healty & hygienes living environment.

Verde 2 adalah apartemen luxury hi-end pertama di Jakarta , yang tidak sekedar menawarkan kemewahan dalam spesifikasi unit dan fasilitas, namun juga mnsinergikan dengan salah satu hal yang paling Krusial bagi manusia, yaitu Kesehatan.

Secara kualitas udara, Jakarta ,merupakan kota dengan salah satu kualitas udara terburuk di Indonesia , dan juga Asia tenggara.

Buruknya Kualitas udara tentu berakibat dan berefek langsung terhadap kesehatan, baik dari penyakit ringan , hingga penyakit erat seperti kanker paru, senatiasa mengintai mereka yang berdomisili dan beraktivitas di Jakarta.

Verde 2, (khususnya tower MonteVerde, tower istimewa yang hanya terdiri dari 4 unit per lantai dengan luas 220 sqm),  menjawab permasalahan utama ini , dengan menghadirkan sistem water purifier build-in , yang terintegrasi dengan unit apartemen .    


VerdeTwo Specifications

  • 321 Units.
  • 2 Luxury Tower
  • 8600sqm land sizes
  • 6000sqm indoor & outdoor 5 star amenities


MonteVerde Tower 


  • Limited Unit : Only 124 Unit.
  • Developer : Farpoint.
  • Single Type : 3BR with 230 sqm SG.
  • 4 Unit / Floor.
  • Semi double – Private Lift.
  • Integrated with air purifier & dehumifier system.
  • Bebas PpnBm



39 Floors
6 units / Floor
Total Unit : 186 units
Kontraktor : Total Bangun Persada
Legal Status : Strata Title

Verde Two TerraVerde (EAST TOWER) hanya 2 tipe yaitu 2 Bedroom & 3 Bedroom 

  • 2 BR type A1 : 177,06 sqm. Hadap Utara
  • 2 BR type A2 : 171,39 sqm. Hadap selatan
  • 2 BR type A3 : 187,46 sqm. Hadap utara / corner unit.
  • 2 BR type A4 : 188,45 sqm. Hadap selatan / corner unit
  • 3 BR type B1 : 211,81 sqm. Hadap Utara / corner unit.
  • 3 BR type B2 : 211,36 sqm. Hadap selatan / corner unit.
  • Parking Space

    • 2 BR : 1 parking lot.
    • 3 BR : 2 parking lot.
    • Penthouse : 3 parking lot.

VerdeTwo Facilities

VERDE TWO offer you 25-in-1 Luxuxy 5 Star indoor & outdoor lifestyles amenities :

  • 1. Grand Porte Cochere
  • 2. Grand lobby – East Tower
  • 3. Theatre Room
  • 4. Meeting Room
  • 5. Ballroom
  • 6. Cocktail Room
  • 7. Private Dining Room
  • 8. Lounge
  • 9. Library
  • 10. Business Centre
  • 11. Gentlement’s parlour
  • 12. Game Lounge
  • 13. Indoor’s Children’s Playgrund
  • 14. Outdoor Terrace
  • 15. Health vlub & Treatment Room
  • 16. RPM Studio
  • 17. Grand Lobby- West Tower
  • 18. Celebration Pavilion
  • 19. Jogging track
  • 20. BBQ pavillion
  • 21. Children’s pool
  • 22. Children’s Splash Pad
  • 23. Swimming pool
  • 24. Reflecting Pool
  • 25. Meditation Pavilion




VerdeTwo Team Design


A design collaboration by international architects and renowned hospitality interior designers bringing you a unique experience of resort living in the city.


Los Angeles, USA Architect A fully integrated design studio in architecture, urban design & planning and interior design. They are the recipient of numerous awards for design excellence. Some of their well-known projects are MGM, Opus One.


New York, USA Collaborative Contractor TCM, USA has a strong knowledge and experience in overall vision of the building development process , specially in construction high buildings in the world. They have a high accuracy to minimize defect on projects while at the same time keeping projects on time and within budget. Their well known projects are 101 Taipei, Burj Khalifa and JW Marriott Hanoi


New York, USA Interior Designer Overlooks interior design to create a sophisticated hospitality styled interiors and lifestyle amenities. They have received many international recognition as “Top 25 Designers” in ELLE Décor A-List Award and “101 People You Must Meet” by Town & Country magazine for their well-known projects such as Louis Vuitton, W Hotel , St. Regis Hotel, Tiffany & Co.


Los Angeles, USA Landscape Designer SWA is a landscape architecture, urban design and planning firm, with a network of seven studios worldwide. They create vibrant places that are at once ecologically resilient, aesthetically compelling and socially beneficial. Their works has received worldwide recognition for its innovative excellence such as Burj Khalifa, University of California USA and Rio 2016 Olympic Park Competition at Rio de Janeiro.


Bangkok, Thailand Lighting Designer Overlooks lighting design to romancing and glamouring at night condition. Their well-known projects are W hotel, Four Season Singapore, Marriott Taipei.  



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